Portes du Soleil, Les Crosets. The snow has finally arrived, but not as much as last year! This winter is being a big disappointment for some Swiss ski resorts, like Les Crosets (Portes du soleil), with the economical impact of the lack of snow in local business and in the whole touristic season. Last weekend we went there by car. It's not far from Lausanne and it was surprising how comfortable this ski station is. You park the car under the slopes, you don't need to walk long distances carrying your skis. This time we decided to take a two hours ski lesson once we were there, at l'ecole de ski http://www.funschool.ch/¨
Portes du Soleil, Les Crosets. ¡La nieve ha llegado! ¡ Temporada de esquí oficialmente inaugurada! El finde semana pasado fuimos a esquiar a Portes du Soleil. Fuimos en coche hasta Les Crosets, y fue sorprendente la comodidad del parquing, estaba situado justo debajo de las pistas de esquí, así que no había que andar grandes distancias cargando con todo el equipo, cosa que se agradece. Esta vez decidimos dar dos horas de clase en L'ecole de ski , podéis echar un ojo a su web para ver precios y horarios. http://www.funschool.ch/

The weather was perfect, really sunny, so we decided to make sandwiches at home to eat on the slopes. We were inspired by an American website called 300 Sandwiches, it's made by a woman who prepares sandwiches for his future husband, 300 sandwiches before he proposes her marriage! all of them are really yummy! She even has a book! http://300sandwiches.com/ Our result was a sandwich with roastbeef, tomme's fromage (typical from Vaud, Switzerland) and mushrooms with onion, delicious!
El tiempo era perfecto, súper soleado, así que decidimos preparar unos bocadillos para comer en las pistas. Esa semana habíamos descubierto un blog en el que aparecen unos sandwiches super apetitosos, 300 Sandwiches. Es una web hecha por una mujer que prepara sandwiches a su novio, hasta llegar a 300, que será cuando él le pida matrimonio. http://300sandwiches.com/
Portes du Soleil is really big a ski station, you can arrive from Switzerland or from France, but for us, with the slopes on the Swiss side was more than enough and the forfait it was not expensive 50.-Thanks for following us!!
Portes du Soleil es una estacion de esquí con un dominio muy grande, se puede llegar desde Suiza o desde Francia. Para un día tienes pistas de sobra sólo en la parte Suiza, de esta forma el forfait nos costó 50.- Gracias por seguirnos una semana más!
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